
This website, including all investing strategies, is created, operated and maintained by Jitta Dot Com Company Limited. Brokerage products and services are offered by Merchant Partners Asset Management Limited, an SEC-registered brokerage firm. All investments involve risk, which may include the loss of income payments as well as some or all principal invested. Our stock analysis and resulting strategies rely on historical data. Historical performance is not a guarantee of future returns. An investment in individual stocks, or a collection of stocks focused on a particular strategy, may be subject to increased risk of price fluctuation over more diversified holdings due to adverse developments, which can affect a particular industry or sector. Jitta makes no representation regarding the suitability of a particular investment or investment strategy. You are responsible for all investment decisions you make including understanding the risks involved with your investment strategy. Please consider your objectives and Jitta Wealth fees before investing.

Jitta Wealth” is a registered trademark of Jitta Dot Com Co., Ltd.